Show patches with: Submitter = Uladzimir Bely       |    Archived = No       |   39 patches
Patch Series S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[v7,10/10] Install python3-apt if not installed Improving base-apt usage --- 2024-07-25 Uladzimir Bely New
[v7,09/10] kas: Add PREFETCH_BASE_APT config entry Improving base-apt usage --- 2024-07-25 Uladzimir Bely New
[v7,08/10] Disable deb-dl-dir in base-apt prefetch mode Improving base-apt usage --- 2024-07-25 Uladzimir Bely New
[v7,07/10] testsuite: Set ISAR_PREFETCH_BASE_APT by default Improving base-apt usage --- 2024-07-25 Uladzimir Bely New
[v7,06/10] meta: Add cache-deb-src functionality in base-apt mode Improving base-apt usage --- 2024-07-25 Uladzimir Bely New
[v7,05/10] base-apt: Predownload packages to base-apt before install Improving base-apt usage --- 2024-07-25 Uladzimir Bely New
[v7,04/10] meta: Use cached base-apt repo to debootstrap Improving base-apt usage --- 2024-07-25 Uladzimir Bely New
[v7,03/10] meta: Always use base-apt repo in local mode Improving base-apt usage --- 2024-07-25 Uladzimir Bely New
[v7,02/10] meta: Add debrepo bbclass handling base-apt prefetching Improving base-apt usage --- 2024-07-25 Uladzimir Bely New
[v7,01/10] scripts: Add debrepo python script handling base-apt Improving base-apt usage --- 2024-07-25 Uladzimir Bely New
[v2,3/3] meta: Move DTB deployment to a separate dtb-files recipe Deploy DTBs with separate recipe --- 2024-07-12 Uladzimir Bely Under Review
[v2,2/3] testsuite: Build also debug images for some targets Deploy DTBs with separate recipe --- 2024-07-12 Uladzimir Bely Under Review
[v2,1/3] meta: Fix do_copy_boot_files error for different distros of same machine Deploy DTBs with separate recipe --- 2024-07-12 Uladzimir Bely Under Review
[5/5] buildstats: Collect build statictics by default [1/5] buildstats: Sync code base with openembedded-core 2022-04.15 --- 2024-01-12 Uladzimir Bely Awaiting Upstream
[4/5] meta/bitbake.conf: Use custom disk usage command for buildstats [1/5] buildstats: Sync code base with openembedded-core 2022-04.15 --- 2024-01-12 Uladzimir Bely Awaiting Upstream
[3/5] buildstats: support of custom disk usage command [1/5] buildstats: Sync code base with openembedded-core 2022-04.15 --- 2024-01-12 Uladzimir Bely Awaiting Upstream
[2/5] buildstats: consider multiconfigs when collecting statistics. [1/5] buildstats: Sync code base with openembedded-core 2022-04.15 --- 2024-01-12 Uladzimir Bely Awaiting Upstream
[1/5] buildstats: Sync code base with openembedded-core 2022-04.15 [1/5] buildstats: Sync code base with openembedded-core 2022-04.15 --- 2024-01-12 Uladzimir Bely Awaiting Upstream
[v5,12/12] Disable deb-dl-dir in base-apt prefetch mode Improving base-apt usage PoC --- 2023-05-26 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[v5,11/12] meta: Specify grub-efi packages arch Improving base-apt usage PoC --- 2023-05-26 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[v5,10/12] Set ISAR_PREFETCH_BASE_APT by default Improving base-apt usage PoC --- 2023-05-26 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[v5,09/12] meta: Add cache-deb-src functionality in base-apt mode Improving base-apt usage PoC --- 2023-05-26 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[v5,08/12] base-apt: Predownload packages to base-apt before install Improving base-apt usage PoC --- 2023-05-26 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[v5,07/12] meta: Consider global debrepo context Improving base-apt usage PoC --- 2023-05-26 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[v5,06/12] meta: Use cached base-apt repo to debootstrap Improving base-apt usage PoC --- 2023-05-26 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[v5,05/12] meta: Always use base-apt repo in local mode Improving base-apt usage PoC --- 2023-05-26 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[v5,04/12] meta: Add debrepo bbclass handling base-apt prefetching Improving base-apt usage PoC --- 2023-05-26 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[v5,03/12] scripts: Add debrepo python script handling base-apt Improving base-apt usage PoC --- 2023-05-26 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[v5,02/12] Install python3-apt if not installed Improving base-apt usage PoC --- 2023-05-26 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[v5,01/12] meta: move base-apt from deploy directory to the top Improving base-apt usage PoC --- 2023-05-26 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[2/2] testsuite: check Isar image for reproducability. check Isar image for reproducability --- 2022-11-29 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[1/2] Install diffoscope binary if not installed check Isar image for reproducability --- 2022-11-29 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[RFC,v2,3/3] ci: Added test for isar-apt reuse functionality PoC for isar-apt repo reusing --- 2022-06-12 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[RFC,v2,2/3] doc: Add section for isar-apt reuse functionality PoC for isar-apt repo reusing --- 2022-06-12 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[RFC,v2,1/3] meta: Reuse existing local isar-apt repo in new builds PoC for isar-apt repo reusing --- 2022-06-12 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[RFC,v2,0/3] PoC for isar-apt repo reusing --- 2022-06-12 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[RFC,2/2] dpkg-gdb: Reset git to SRCREV revision before patching Fixes for dpkg-gdb packages rebuild --- 2021-08-12 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[RFC,1/2] dpkg-base: Add new git alternates record instead of replace old one Fixes for dpkg-gdb packages rebuild --- 2021-08-12 Uladzimir Bely RFC
[RFC,0/2] Fixes for dpkg-gdb packages rebuild --- 2021-08-12 Uladzimir Bely RFC