[v3,1/4] simplify image-account-extension

Message ID 20230522065531.2300448-2-tobias.schaffner@siemens.com
State Accepted, archived
Headers show
Series Rewrite the image-account-extension in python | expand

Commit Message

Tobias Schaffner May 22, 2023, 6:55 a.m. UTC
From: Tobias Schaffner <tobias.schaffner@siemens.com>

Do the complete user and group creation in python. This allows us to
drop the encoding and parsing code that was used to make the user and
group lists available in the shell function.

Signed-off-by: Tobias Schaffner <tobias.schaffner@siemens.com>
 meta/classes/image-account-extension.bbclass | 368 +++++++------------
 1 file changed, 124 insertions(+), 244 deletions(-)


diff --git a/meta/classes/image-account-extension.bbclass b/meta/classes/image-account-extension.bbclass
index 1a1f704d..5080202d 100644
--- a/meta/classes/image-account-extension.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/image-account-extension.bbclass
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 
 # This software is a part of ISAR.
-# Copyright (C) Siemens AG, 2019
+# Copyright (C) Siemens AG, 2019-2023
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
@@ -25,251 +25,131 @@  GROUPS ??= ""
 #GROUP_root[gid] = ""
 #GROUP_root[flags] = "system"
-def gen_accounts_array(d, listname, entryname, flags, verb_flags=None):
-    from itertools import chain
-    entries = (d.getVar(listname) or "").split()
-    return " ".join(
-        ":".join(
-            chain(
-                (entry,),
-                (
-                    (",".join(
-                        (
-                            d.getVarFlag(entryname + "_" + entry, flag, True) or ""
-                        ).split()
-                    ) if flag not in (verb_flags or []) else (
-                        d.getVarFlag(entryname + "_" + entry, flag, True) or ""
-                    )).replace(":","=")
-                    for flag in flags
-                ),
-            )
-        )
-        for entry in entries
-    )
-# List of space separated entries, where each entry has the format:
-# username:encryptedpassword:expiredate:inactivenumber:userid:groupid:comment:homedir:shell:group1,group2:flag1,flag2
-IMAGE_ACCOUNTS_USERS =+ "${@gen_accounts_array(d, 'USERS', 'USER', ['password',  'expire', 'inactive', 'uid', 'gid', 'comment', 'home', 'shell', 'groups', 'flags'], ['password', 'comment', 'home', 'shell'])}"
-# List of space separated entries, where each entry has the format:
-# groupname:groupid:flag1,flag2
-IMAGE_ACCOUNTS_GROUPS =+ "${@gen_accounts_array(d, 'GROUPS', 'GROUP', ['gid', 'flags'])}"
-do_rootfs_install[vardeps] += "${IMAGE_ACCOUNTS_GROUPS} ${IMAGE_ACCOUNTS_USERS}"
-ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "image_postprocess_accounts"
-image_postprocess_accounts() {
-    # Create groups
-    # Add space to the end of the list:
-    list='${@" ".join(d.getVar('IMAGE_ACCOUNTS_GROUPS').split())} '
-    while true; do
-        # Pop first group entry:
-        list_rest="${list#*:*:* }"
-        entry="${list%%${list_rest}}"
-        list="${list_rest}"
-        if [ -z "${entry}" ]; then
-            break
-        fi
-        # Add colon to the end of the entry and remove trailing space:
-        entry="${entry% }:"
-        # Decode entries:
-        name="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${name}:}"
-        gid="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${gid}:}"
-        flags="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${flags}:}"
-        flags=",${flags}," # Needed for searching for substrings
-        # Check if user already exists:
-        if grep -q "^${name}:" '${ROOTFSDIR}/etc/group'; then
-            exists="y"
-        else
-            exists="n"
-        fi
-        # Create arguments:
-        set -- # clear arguments
-        if [ -n "$gid" ]; then
-            set -- "$@" --gid "$gid"
-        fi
-        if [ "n" = "$exists" ]; then
-            if [ "${flags}" != "${flags%*,system,*}" ]; then
-                set -- "$@" --system
-            fi
-        fi
-        # Create or modify groups:
-        if [ "y" = "$exists" ]; then
-            if [ -z "$@" ]; then
-                echo "Do not execute groupmod (no changes)."
-            else
-                echo "Execute groupmod with \"$@\" for \"$name\""
-                sudo -E chroot '${ROOTFSDIR}' \
-                    /usr/sbin/groupmod "$@" "$name"
-            fi
-        else
-            echo "Execute groupadd with \"$@\" for \"$name\""
-            sudo -E chroot '${ROOTFSDIR}' \
-                /usr/sbin/groupadd "$@" "$name"
-        fi
-    done
-    # Create users
-    list='${@" ".join(d.getVar('IMAGE_ACCOUNTS_USERS').split())} '
-    while true; do
-        # Pop first user entry:
-        list_rest="${list#*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:* }"
-        entry="${list%%${list_rest}}"
-        list="${list_rest}"
-        if [ -z "${entry}" ]; then
-            break
-        fi
-        # Add colon to the end of the entry and remove trailing space:
-        entry="${entry% }:"
-        # Decode entries:
-        name="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${name}:}"
-        password="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${password}:}"
-        expire="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${expire}:}"
-        inactive="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${inactive}:}"
-        uid="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${uid}:}"
-        gid="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${gid}:}"
-        comment="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${comment}:}"
-        home="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${home}:}"
-        shell="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${shell}:}"
-        groups="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${groups}:}"
-        flags="${entry%%:*}"
-        entry="${entry#${flags}:}"
-        flags=",${flags}," # Needed for searching for substrings
-        # Check if user already exists:
-        if grep -q "^${name}:" '${ROOTFSDIR}/etc/passwd'; then
-            exists="y"
-        else
-            exists="n"
-        fi
-        # Create arguments:
-        set -- # clear arguments
-        if [ -n "$expire" ]; then
-            set -- "$@" --expiredate "$expire"
-        fi
-        if [ -n "$inactive" ]; then
-            set -- "$@" --inactive "$inactive"
-        fi
-        if [ -n "$uid" ]; then
-            set -- "$@" --uid "$uid"
-        fi
-        if [ -n "$gid" ]; then
-            set -- "$@" --gid "$gid"
-        fi
-        if [ -n "$comment" ]; then
-            set -- "$@" --comment "$comment"
-        fi
-        if [ -n "$home" ]; then
-            if [ "y" = "$exists" ]; then
-                set -- "$@" --home "$home" --move-home
-            else
-                set -- "$@" --home-dir "$home"
-            fi
-        fi
-        if [ -n "$shell" ]; then
-            set -- "$@" --shell "$shell"
-        fi
-        if [ -n "$groups" ]; then
-            set -- "$@" --groups "$groups"
-        fi
-        if [ "n" = "$exists" ]; then
-            if [ "${flags}" != "${flags%*,system,*}" ]; then
-                set -- "$@" --system
-            fi
-            if [ "${flags}" != "${flags%*,no-create-home,*}" ]; then
-                set -- "$@" --no-create-home
-            else
-                if [ "${flags}" != "${flags%*,create-home,*}" ]; then
-                    set -- "$@" --create-home
-                fi
-            fi
-        fi
-        # Create or modify users:
-        if [ "y" = "$exists" ]; then
-            if [ -z "$@" ]; then
-                echo "Do not execute usermod (no changes)."
-            else
-                echo "Execute usermod with \"$@\" for \"$name\""
-                sudo -E chroot '${ROOTFSDIR}' \
-                    /usr/sbin/usermod "$@" "$name"
-            fi
-        else
-            echo "Execute useradd with \"$@\" for \"$name\""
-            sudo -E chroot '${ROOTFSDIR}' \
-                /usr/sbin/useradd "$@" "$name"
-        fi
-        # Set password:
-        if [ -n "$password" -o "${flags}" != "${flags%*,allow-empty-password,*}" ]; then
-            chpasswd_args="-e"
-            if [ "${flags}" != "${flags%*,clear-text-password,*}" ]; then
+def image_create_groups(d: "DataSmart") -> None:
+    """Creates the groups defined in the ``GROUPS`` bitbake variable.
+    Args:
+        d (DataSmart): The bitbake datastore.
+    Returns:
+        None
+    """
+    entries = (d.getVar("GROUPS") or "").split()
+    rootfsdir = d.getVar("ROOTFSDIR")
+    chroot = ["sudo", "-E", "chroot", rootfsdir]
+    for entry in entries:
+        args = []
+        group_entry = "GROUP_{}".format(entry)
+        with open("{}/etc/group".format(rootfsdir), "r") as group_file:
+            exists = any(line.startswith("{}:".format(entry)) for line in group_file)
+        gid = d.getVarFlag(group_entry, "gid") or ""
+        if gid:
+            args.append("--gid")
+            args.append(gid)
+        if exists:
+            if args:
+                bb.process.run([*chroot, "/usr/sbin/groupmod", *args, entry])
+        else:
+            flags = (d.getVarFlag(group_entry, "flags") or "").split()
+            if "system" in flags:
+                args.append("--system")
+            bb.process.run([*chroot, "/usr/sbin/groupadd", *args, entry])
+def image_create_users(d: "DataSmart") -> None:
+    """Creates the users defined in the ``USERS`` bitbake variable.
+    Args:
+        d (DataSmart): The bitbake datastore.
+    Returns:
+        None
+    """
+    import hashlib
+    import crypt
+    entries = (d.getVar("USERS") or "").split()
+    rootfsdir = d.getVar("ROOTFSDIR")
+    chroot = ["sudo", "-E", "chroot", rootfsdir]
+    for entry in entries:
+        args = []
+        user_entry = "USER_{}".format(entry)
+        with open("{}/etc/passwd".format(rootfsdir), "r") as passwd_file:
+            exists = any(line.startswith("{}:".format(entry)) for line in passwd_file)
+        def add_user_option(option_name, flag_name):
+            flag_value = d.getVarFlag(user_entry, flag_name) or ""
+            if flag_value:
+                args.append(option_name)
+                args.append(flag_value)
+        add_user_option("--expire", "expiredate")
+        add_user_option("--inactive", "inactive")
+        add_user_option("--uid", "uid")
+        add_user_option("--gid", "gid")
+        add_user_option("--comment", "comment")
+        add_user_option("--shell", "shell")
+        groups = d.getVarFlag(user_entry, "groups") or ""
+        if groups:
+            args.append("--groups")
+            args.append(groups.replace(' ', ','))
+        flags = (d.getVarFlag(user_entry, "flags") or "").split()
+        if exists:
+            add_user_option("--home", "home")
+            if d.getVarFlag(user_entry, "home") or "":
+                args.append("--move-home")
+        else:
+            add_user_option("--home-dir", "home")
+            if "system" in flags:
+                args.append("--system")
+            if "no-create-home" in flags:
+                args.append("--no-create-home")
+            if "create-home" in flags:
+                args.append("--create-home")
+        if exists:
+            if args:
+                bb.process.run([*chroot, "/usr/sbin/usermod", *args, entry])
+        else:
+            bb.process.run([*chroot, "/usr/sbin/useradd", *args, entry])
+        command = [*chroot, "/usr/sbin/chpasswd"]
+        password = d.getVarFlag(user_entry, "password") or ""
+        if password or "allow-empty-password" in flags:
+            if "clear-text-password" in flags:
                 # chpasswd adds a random salt when running against a clear-text password.
                 # For reproducible images, we manually generate the password and use the
                 # SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to generate the salt in a deterministic way.
-                if [ -z "${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}" ]; then
-                    chpasswd_args=""
-                else
-                    salt="$(echo "${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}" | sha256sum -z | cut -c 1-15)"
-                    password="$(openssl passwd -6 -salt $salt "$password")"
-                fi
-            fi
-            printf '%s:%s' "$name" "$password" | sudo chroot '${ROOTFSDIR}' \
-                /usr/sbin/chpasswd $chpasswd_args
-        fi
-        if [ "${flags}" != "${flags%*,force-passwd-change,*}" ]; then
-            echo "Execute passwd to force password change on first boot for \"$name\""
-            sudo -E chroot '${ROOTFSDIR}' \
-                /usr/bin/passwd --expire "$name"
-        fi
-    done
+                source_date_epoch = d.getVar("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH") or ""
+                if source_date_epoch:
+                    command.append("-e")
+                    salt = hashlib.sha256("{}\n".format(source_date_epoch).encode()).hexdigest()[0:15]
+                    password = crypt.crypt(password, "$6${}".format(salt))
+            else:
+                command.append("-e")
+            bb.process.run(command, "{}:{}".format(entry, password).encode())
+        if "force-passwd-change" in flags:
+            bb.process.run([*chroot, "/usr/sbin/passwd", "--expire", entry])
+ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "image_postprocess_accounts"
+python image_postprocess_accounts() {
+    image_create_groups(d)
+    image_create_users(d)