@@ -7,11 +7,14 @@ DESCRIPTION = "Install image to device"
inherit dpkg-raw
-SRC_URI = "file://deploy-image-wic.sh \
+SRC_URI = "file://usr/bin/deploy-image-wic.sh \
+ file://usr/lib/deploy-image-wic/handle-config.sh \
DEBIAN_DEPENDS = "bmap-tools, pv, dialog, util-linux, parted, fdisk, gdisk, pigz, xz-utils, pbzip2, zstd"
do_install[cleandirs] = "${D}/usr/bin/ \
+ ${D}/usr/lib/deploy-image-wic \
do_install() {
- install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/deploy-image-wic.sh ${D}/usr/bin/deploy-image-wic.sh
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/usr/bin/deploy-image-wic.sh ${D}/usr/bin/deploy-image-wic.sh
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/usr/lib/deploy-image-wic/handle-config.sh ${D}/usr/lib/deploy-image-wic/handle-config.sh
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 71%
rename from meta-isar/recipes-installer/deploy-image/files/deploy-image-wic.sh
rename to meta-isar/recipes-installer/deploy-image/files/usr/bin/deploy-image-wic.sh
@@ -6,21 +6,18 @@
-if [ -f "$installdata/auto.install" ]; then
- exec 3<"$installdata/auto.install"
- read -r DISK_IMAGE <&3
- read -r TARGET_DEVICE <&3
- read -r OVERWRITE <&3
- exec 3>&-
- if [ ! -b ${TARGET_DEVICE} ]; then
- dialog --msgbox "Target device is not a valid block device. Installation aborted." 6 60
- exit 1
- fi
+SCRIPT_DIR=$( dirname -- "$( readlink -f -- "$0"; )"; )
+. ${SCRIPT_DIR}/../lib/deploy-image-wic/handle-config.sh
+# Map config params
+if ! $AUTO_INSTALL; then
DISK_IMAGE=$(find "$installdata" -type f -iname "*.wic*" -a -not -iname "*.wic.bmap" -exec basename {} \;)
if [ -z "$DISK_IMAGE" ] || [ ! -f "$installdata/$DISK_IMAGE" ]; then
pushd "$installdata"
@@ -36,16 +33,14 @@ else
-if [ ! -f "$installdata/$DISK_IMAGE" ]; then
- dialog --msgbox "Could not find an image to install. Installation aborted." 6 60
- exit 1
-DISK_BMAP=$(find "$installdata" -type f -iname "${DISK_IMAGE%.wic*}.wic.bmap")
-# inspired by poky/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/install-efi.sh
+ if [ ! -f "$installdata/$DISK_IMAGE" ]; then
+ dialog --msgbox "Could not find an image to install. Installation aborted." 6 60
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ DISK_BMAP=$(find "$installdata" -type f -iname "${DISK_IMAGE%.wic*}.wic.bmap")
-if ! $AUTO_INSTALL; then
+ # inspired by poky/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/install-efi.sh
current_root_dev_type=$(findmnt / -o fstype -n)
if [ ${current_root_dev_type} = "nfs" ]; then
@@ -126,25 +121,46 @@ if ! $AUTO_INSTALL; then
--yesno "Start installing\n'$DISK_IMAGE'\nto $TARGET_DEVICE (capacity: $TARGET_DEVICE_SIZE)" 7 60; then
exit 0
+ # set absolute paths to be compatible with unattended mode
+ DISK_IMAGE="$installdata/$DISK_IMAGE"
+ if [ -z "$DISK_BMAP" ]; then
+ DISK_BMAP="$installdata/$DISK_BMAP"
+ fi
-if [ "$OVERWRITE" != "OVERWRITE" ] && ! cmp /dev/zero "$TARGET_DEVICE" -n 1M && \
- ! dialog --defaultno \
- --yesno "WARNING: Target device is not empty! Continue anyway?" 5 60; then
- exit 0
+if ! cmp /dev/zero "$TARGET_DEVICE" -n 1M; then
+ if ! $AUTO_INSTALL && \
+ ! dialog --defaultno \
+ --yesno "WARNING: Target device is not empty! Continue anyway?" 5 60; then
+ exit 0
+ else
+ if [ "$OVERWRITE" != "OVERWRITE" ]; then
+ echo "Target device is not empty! -> Abort"
+ echo "If you want to override existing data set \"installer_target_overwrite=OVERWRITE\""
+ fi
+ fi
if [ -z "$DISK_BMAP" ]; then
-if ! bmaptool copy ${bmap_options} "$installdata/$DISK_IMAGE" "${TARGET_DEVICE}"; then
+if ! $AUTO_INSTALL; then
+ clear
+if ! bmaptool copy ${bmap_options} "$DISK_IMAGE" "${TARGET_DEVICE}"; then
exit 1
if ! $AUTO_INSTALL; then
dialog --title "Reboot" \
- --msgbox "Installation is successful. System will be rebooted. Please remove the USB stick." 6 60
+ --msgbox "Installation was successful. System will be rebooted. Please remove the USB stick." 6 60
+ echo "Installation was successful."
exit 0
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This software is a part of ISAR.
+# Copyright (C) Siemens AG, 2024
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+if [ -f "$installdata/auto.install" ]; then
+ exec 3<"$installdata/auto.install"
+ read -r installer_image_uri <&3
+ read -r installer_target_dev <&3
+ read -r installer_target_overwrite <&3
+ exec 3>&-
+ installer_unattended=true
+# But let kernel cmdline overrule
+for x in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do
+ case $x in
+ installer.unattended*)
+ installer_unattended=true
+ ;;
+ installer.image.uri=*)
+ installer_image_uri=${x#installer.image.uri=}
+ installer_unattended=true
+ ;;
+ installer.target.dev=*)
+ installer_target_dev=${x#installer.target.dev=}
+ installer_unattended=true
+ ;;
+ installer.target.overwrite*)
+ installer_target_overwrite="OVERWRITE"
+ installer_unattended=true
+ ;;
+ esac
+## Check config
+if [ -n "${installer_image_uri}" ] && [ -n "${installer_target_dev}" ] && [ -n "${installer_target_overwrite}" ]; then
+ all_values_set=true
+if ${installer_unattended} && ! ${all_values_set}; then
+ echo "When running in unattended mode all values needed for installation have to be set! -> Abort"
+ exit 1
+if ${installer_unattended}; then
+ echo "Got config:"
+ echo " installer_unattended=${installer_unattended}"
+ echo " installer_image_uri=${installer_image_uri}"
+ echo " installer_target_dev=${installer_target_dev}"
+ echo " installer_target_overwrite=${installer_target_overwrite}"
+ case ${installer_target_overwrite} in
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "When running in unattended mode only \"installer_target_overwrite=OVERWRITE | ABORT\" is valid! You specified \"${installer_target_overwrite}\" -> Abort"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ ! -b ${installer_target_dev} ]; then
+ echo "Target device \"${installer_target_dev}\" is not a valid block device. -> Abort"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "${installer_image_uri}" ]; then
+ if [ ! -f "$installdata/${installer_image_uri}" ]; then
+ echo "Could not find image file ${installer_image_uri} nor $installdata/${installer_image_uri} to install. -> Abort"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ installer_image_uri=$installdata/${installer_image_uri}
+ fi
+ fi