new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# This software is a part of Isar.
+# Copyright (c) Siemens AG, 2018-2021
+# Copyright (C) 2024 ilbers GmbH
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+SRC_URI = " \
+ file://locale \
+ file:// \
+APTPREFS = "${WORKDIR}/apt-preferences"
+APTSRCS = "${WORKDIR}/apt-sources"
+APTSRCS_INIT = "${WORKDIR}/apt-sources-init"
+DISTRO_VARS_PREFIX ?= "${@'HOST_' if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('BOOTSTRAP_FOR_HOST')) else ''}"
+BOOTSTRAP_DISTRO = "${@d.getVar('HOST_DISTRO' if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('BOOTSTRAP_FOR_HOST')) else 'DISTRO')}"
+BOOTSTRAP_BASE_DISTRO = "${@d.getVar('HOST_BASE_DISTRO' if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('BOOTSTRAP_FOR_HOST')) else 'BASE_DISTRO')}"
+ISAR_APT_SNAPSHOT_DATE ?= "${@ get_isar_apt_snapshot_date(d)}"
+python () {
+ distro_bootstrap_keys = (d.getVar("DISTRO_BOOTSTRAP_KEYS") or "").split()
+ third_party_apt_keys = (d.getVar("THIRD_PARTY_APT_KEYS") or "").split()
+ topdir = d.getVar("TOPDIR")
+ # The cached repo key can be both for bootstrapping and apt package
+ # installation afterwards. However, bootstrap will include the key into
+ # the rootfs automatically thus the right place is distro_bootstrap_keys.
+ if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('ISAR_USE_CACHED_BASE_REPO')):
+ own_pub_key = d.getVar("BASE_REPO_KEY")
+ if own_pub_key:
+ distro_bootstrap_keys += own_pub_key.split()
+ for key in distro_bootstrap_keys:
+ fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([key], d)
+ filename = os.path.relpath(fetcher.localpath(key), topdir)
+ d.appendVar("DISTRO_BOOTSTRAP_KEYFILES", " ${TOPDIR}/%s" % filename)
+ for key in third_party_apt_keys:
+ fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([key], d)
+ filename = os.path.relpath(fetcher.localpath(key), topdir)
+ d.appendVar("THIRD_PARTY_APT_KEYFILES", " ${TOPDIR}/%s" % filename)
+ distro_apt_sources = get_aptsources_list(d)
+ for file in distro_apt_sources:
+ d.appendVar("SRC_URI", " file://%s" % file)
+ distro_apt_preferences = d.getVar(d.getVar("DISTRO_VARS_PREFIX") + "DISTRO_APT_PREFERENCES") or ""
+ for file in distro_apt_preferences.split():
+ d.appendVar("SRC_URI", " file://%s" % file)
+def aggregate_files(d, file_list, file_out):
+ import shutil
+ with open(file_out, "wb") as out_fd:
+ for entry in file_list:
+ entry_real = bb.parse.resolve_file(entry, d)
+ with open(entry_real, "rb") as in_fd:
+ shutil.copyfileobj(in_fd, out_fd, 1024*1024*10)
+ out_fd.write("\n".encode())
+def parse_aptsources_list_line(source_list_line):
+ import re
+ s = source_list_line.strip()
+ if not s or s.startswith("#"):
+ return None
+ type, s = re.split("\s+", s, maxsplit=1)
+ if type not in ["deb", "deb-src"]:
+ return None
+ options = ""
+ options_match = re.match("\[\s*(\S+=\S+(?=\s))*\s*(\S+=\S+)\s*\]\s+", s)
+ if options_match:
+ options =
+ s = s[options_match.end():]
+ source, s = re.split("\s+", s, maxsplit=1)
+ if s.startswith("/"):
+ suite = ""
+ else:
+ suite, s = re.split("\s+", s, maxsplit=1)
+ components = " ".join(s.split())
+ return [type, options, source, suite, components]
+def get_isar_apt_snapshot_date(d):
+ import time
+ source_date_epoch = d.getVar('ISAR_APT_SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMP')
+ return time.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ', time.gmtime(int(source_date_epoch)))
+def get_apt_source_mirror(d, aptsources_entry_list):
+ import re
+ # this is executed during parsing. No error checking possible
+ use_snapshot = bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('ISAR_USE_APT_SNAPSHOT'))
+ snapshot_mirror = d.getVar('DISTRO_APT_SNAPSHOT_PREMIRROR')
+ if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('ISAR_USE_CACHED_BASE_REPO')):
+ premirrors = "\S* file://${REPO_BASE_DIR}/${BOOTSTRAP_BASE_DISTRO}\n"
+ elif use_snapshot and snapshot_mirror:
+ premirrors = snapshot_mirror
+ else:
+ premirrors = d.getVar('DISTRO_APT_PREMIRRORS') or ""
+ mirror_list = [entry.split()
+ for entry in premirrors.split('\\n')
+ if any(entry)]
+ for regex, replace in mirror_list:
+ match =, aptsources_entry_list[2])
+ if match:
+ new_aptsources_entry_list = aptsources_entry_list.copy()
+ new_aptsources_entry_list[2] = re.sub(regex, replace,
+ aptsources_entry_list[2],
+ count = 1)
+ if use_snapshot:
+ new_aptsources_entry_list[1] = "[check-valid-until=no]"
+ return new_aptsources_entry_list
+ return aptsources_entry_list
+def aggregate_aptsources_list(d, file_list, file_out):
+ import shutil
+ with open(file_out, "wb") as out_fd:
+ for entry in file_list:
+ entry_real = bb.parse.resolve_file(entry, d)
+ with open(entry_real, "r") as in_fd:
+ for line in in_fd:
+ parsed = parse_aptsources_list_line(line)
+ if parsed:
+ parsed = get_apt_source_mirror(d, parsed)
+ out_fd.write(" ".join(parsed).encode())
+ else:
+ out_fd.write(line.encode())
+ out_fd.write("\n".encode())
+ out_fd.write("\n".encode())
+def get_aptsources_list(d):
+ import errno
+ from collections import OrderedDict
+ apt_sources_var = d.getVar("DISTRO_VARS_PREFIX") + "DISTRO_APT_SOURCES"
+ apt_sources_list = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys((d.getVar(apt_sources_var) or "").split()))
+ for p in apt_sources_list:
+ try:
+ bb.parse.resolve_file(p, d)
+ except FileNotFoundError as e:
+ bb.fatal(os.strerror(errno.ENOENT) + ' "' + p + '"')
+ return apt_sources_list
+def generate_distro_sources(d):
+ apt_sources_list = get_aptsources_list(d)
+ for entry in apt_sources_list:
+ with open(bb.parse.resolve_file(entry, d), "r") as in_fd:
+ for line in in_fd:
+ parsed = parse_aptsources_list_line(line)
+ if parsed:
+ parsed = get_apt_source_mirror(d, parsed)
+ yield parsed
+def get_distro_primary_source_entry(d):
+ for source in generate_distro_sources(d):
+ if source[0] == "deb":
+ return source[2:]
+ bb.fatal('Invalid apt sources list')
+def get_distro_source(d):
+ return get_distro_primary_source_entry(d)[0]
+def get_distro_suite(d):
+ return get_distro_primary_source_entry(d)[1]
+def get_distro_components_argument(d):
+ components = get_distro_primary_source_entry(d)[2]
+ if components and components.strip():
+ return "--components=" + ",".join(components.split())
+ else:
+ return ""
+do_apt_config_prepare[dirs] = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_apt_config_prepare[vardeps] += " \
+ ${@'DISTRO_APT_SNAPSHOT_PREMIRROR' if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('ISAR_USE_APT_SNAPSHOT')) else ''} \
+ "
+python do_apt_config_prepare() {
+ apt_preferences_out = d.getVar("APTPREFS")
+ apt_preferences_list = (
+ ).split()
+ aggregate_files(d, apt_preferences_list, apt_preferences_out)
+ apt_sources_out = d.getVar("APTSRCS")
+ apt_sources_init_out = d.getVar("APTSRCS_INIT")
+ apt_sources_list = get_aptsources_list(d)
+ aggregate_files(d, apt_sources_list, apt_sources_init_out)
+ aggregate_aptsources_list(d, apt_sources_list, apt_sources_out)
+addtask apt_config_prepare before do_bootstrap after do_unpack
+CLEANFUNCS = "clean_deploy"
+clean_deploy() {
@@ -5,191 +5,20 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+inherit bootstrap
LICENSE = "gpl-2.0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${LAYERDIR_core}/licenses/COPYING.GPLv2;md5=751419260aa954499f7abaabaa882bbe"
-FILESPATH:prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
-SRC_URI = " \
- file://locale \
- file:// \
PV = "1.0"
DEBOOTSTRAP ?= "qemu-debootstrap"
-APTPREFS = "${WORKDIR}/apt-preferences"
-APTSRCS = "${WORKDIR}/apt-sources"
-APTSRCS_INIT = "${WORKDIR}/apt-sources-init"
DISTRO_BOOTSTRAP_BASE_PACKAGES:append:gnupg = ",gnupg"
DISTRO_BOOTSTRAP_BASE_PACKAGES:append:https-support = ",ca-certificates"
-DISTRO_VARS_PREFIX ?= "${@'HOST_' if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('BOOTSTRAP_FOR_HOST')) else ''}"
-BOOTSTRAP_DISTRO = "${@d.getVar('HOST_DISTRO' if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('BOOTSTRAP_FOR_HOST')) else 'DISTRO')}"
-BOOTSTRAP_BASE_DISTRO = "${@d.getVar('HOST_BASE_DISTRO' if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('BOOTSTRAP_FOR_HOST')) else 'BASE_DISTRO')}"
-ISAR_APT_SNAPSHOT_DATE ?= "${@ get_isar_apt_snapshot_date(d)}"
inherit deb-dl-dir
-python () {
- distro_bootstrap_keys = (d.getVar("DISTRO_BOOTSTRAP_KEYS") or "").split()
- third_party_apt_keys = (d.getVar("THIRD_PARTY_APT_KEYS") or "").split()
- topdir = d.getVar("TOPDIR")
- # The cached repo key can be both for bootstrapping and apt package
- # installation afterwards. However, debootstrap will include the key into
- # the rootfs automatically thus the right place is distro_bootstrap_keys.
- if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('ISAR_USE_CACHED_BASE_REPO')):
- own_pub_key = d.getVar("BASE_REPO_KEY")
- if own_pub_key:
- distro_bootstrap_keys += own_pub_key.split()
- for key in distro_bootstrap_keys:
- fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([key], d)
- filename = os.path.relpath(fetcher.localpath(key), topdir)
- d.appendVar("DISTRO_BOOTSTRAP_KEYFILES", " ${TOPDIR}/%s" % filename)
- for key in third_party_apt_keys:
- fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([key], d)
- filename = os.path.relpath(fetcher.localpath(key), topdir)
- d.appendVar("THIRD_PARTY_APT_KEYFILES", " ${TOPDIR}/%s" % filename)
- distro_apt_sources = get_aptsources_list(d)
- for file in distro_apt_sources:
- d.appendVar("SRC_URI", " file://%s" % file)
- distro_apt_preferences = d.getVar(d.getVar("DISTRO_VARS_PREFIX") + "DISTRO_APT_PREFERENCES") or ""
- for file in distro_apt_preferences.split():
- d.appendVar("SRC_URI", " file://%s" % file)
-def aggregate_files(d, file_list, file_out):
- import shutil
- with open(file_out, "wb") as out_fd:
- for entry in file_list:
- entry_real = bb.parse.resolve_file(entry, d)
- with open(entry_real, "rb") as in_fd:
- shutil.copyfileobj(in_fd, out_fd, 1024*1024*10)
- out_fd.write("\n".encode())
-def parse_aptsources_list_line(source_list_line):
- import re
- s = source_list_line.strip()
- if not s or s.startswith("#"):
- return None
- type, s = re.split("\s+", s, maxsplit=1)
- if type not in ["deb", "deb-src"]:
- return None
- options = ""
- options_match = re.match("\[\s*(\S+=\S+(?=\s))*\s*(\S+=\S+)\s*\]\s+", s)
- if options_match:
- options =
- s = s[options_match.end():]
- source, s = re.split("\s+", s, maxsplit=1)
- if s.startswith("/"):
- suite = ""
- else:
- suite, s = re.split("\s+", s, maxsplit=1)
- components = " ".join(s.split())
- return [type, options, source, suite, components]
-def get_isar_apt_snapshot_date(d):
- import time
- source_date_epoch = d.getVar('ISAR_APT_SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMP')
- return time.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ', time.gmtime(int(source_date_epoch)))
-def get_apt_source_mirror(d, aptsources_entry_list):
- import re
- # this is executed during parsing. No error checking possible
- use_snapshot = bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('ISAR_USE_APT_SNAPSHOT'))
- snapshot_mirror = d.getVar('DISTRO_APT_SNAPSHOT_PREMIRROR')
- if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('ISAR_USE_CACHED_BASE_REPO')):
- premirrors = "\S* file://${REPO_BASE_DIR}/${BOOTSTRAP_BASE_DISTRO}\n"
- elif use_snapshot and snapshot_mirror:
- premirrors = snapshot_mirror
- else:
- premirrors = d.getVar('DISTRO_APT_PREMIRRORS') or ""
- mirror_list = [entry.split()
- for entry in premirrors.split('\\n')
- if any(entry)]
- for regex, replace in mirror_list:
- match =, aptsources_entry_list[2])
- if match:
- new_aptsources_entry_list = aptsources_entry_list.copy()
- new_aptsources_entry_list[2] = re.sub(regex, replace,
- aptsources_entry_list[2],
- count = 1)
- if use_snapshot:
- new_aptsources_entry_list[1] = "[check-valid-until=no]"
- return new_aptsources_entry_list
- return aptsources_entry_list
-def aggregate_aptsources_list(d, file_list, file_out):
- import shutil
- with open(file_out, "wb") as out_fd:
- for entry in file_list:
- entry_real = bb.parse.resolve_file(entry, d)
- with open(entry_real, "r") as in_fd:
- for line in in_fd:
- parsed = parse_aptsources_list_line(line)
- if parsed:
- parsed = get_apt_source_mirror(d, parsed)
- out_fd.write(" ".join(parsed).encode())
- else:
- out_fd.write(line.encode())
- out_fd.write("\n".encode())
- out_fd.write("\n".encode())
-def get_aptsources_list(d):
- import errno
- from collections import OrderedDict
- apt_sources_var = d.getVar("DISTRO_VARS_PREFIX") + "DISTRO_APT_SOURCES"
- apt_sources_list = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys((d.getVar(apt_sources_var) or "").split()))
- for p in apt_sources_list:
- try:
- bb.parse.resolve_file(p, d)
- except FileNotFoundError as e:
- bb.fatal(os.strerror(errno.ENOENT) + ' "' + p + '"')
- return apt_sources_list
-def generate_distro_sources(d):
- apt_sources_list = get_aptsources_list(d)
- for entry in apt_sources_list:
- with open(bb.parse.resolve_file(entry, d), "r") as in_fd:
- for line in in_fd:
- parsed = parse_aptsources_list_line(line)
- if parsed:
- parsed = get_apt_source_mirror(d, parsed)
- yield parsed
-def get_distro_primary_source_entry(d):
- for source in generate_distro_sources(d):
- if source[0] == "deb":
- return source[2:]
- bb.fatal('Invalid apt sources list')
def get_distro_have_https_source(d):
return any(source[2].startswith("https://") for source in generate_distro_sources(d))
@@ -211,19 +40,6 @@ def get_distro_needs_gpg_support(d):
OVERRIDES:append = ":${@get_distro_needs_gpg_support(d)}"
-def get_distro_source(d):
- return get_distro_primary_source_entry(d)[0]
-def get_distro_suite(d):
- return get_distro_primary_source_entry(d)[1]
-def get_distro_components_argument(d):
- components = get_distro_primary_source_entry(d)[2]
- if components and components.strip():
- return "--components=" + ",".join(components.split())
- else:
- return ""
APT_KEYS_DIR = "${WORKDIR}/aptkeys"
DISTRO_BOOTSTRAP_KEYRING = "${WORKDIR}/distro-keyring.gpg"
@@ -247,32 +63,6 @@ do_generate_keyrings() {
addtask generate_keyrings before do_build after do_unpack
-do_apt_config_prepare[dirs] = "${WORKDIR}"
-do_apt_config_prepare[vardeps] += " \
- ${@'DISTRO_APT_SNAPSHOT_PREMIRROR' if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('ISAR_USE_APT_SNAPSHOT')) else ''} \
- "
-python do_apt_config_prepare() {
- apt_preferences_out = d.getVar("APTPREFS")
- apt_preferences_list = (
- ).split()
- aggregate_files(d, apt_preferences_list, apt_preferences_out)
- apt_sources_out = d.getVar("APTSRCS")
- apt_sources_init_out = d.getVar("APTSRCS_INIT")
- apt_sources_list = get_aptsources_list(d)
- aggregate_files(d, apt_sources_list, apt_sources_init_out)
- aggregate_aptsources_list(d, apt_sources_list, apt_sources_out)
-addtask apt_config_prepare before do_bootstrap after do_unpack
def get_host_release():
import platform
rel = platform.release()
@@ -448,8 +238,3 @@ python do_bootstrap_setscene() {
addtask do_bootstrap_setscene
do_bootstrap_setscene[dirs] = "${DEPLOY_DIR_BOOTSTRAP}"
-CLEANFUNCS = "clean_deploy"
-clean_deploy() {
To allow implementing other bootstrap recipes move some functionality supposed to be reusable to bbclass. Signed-off-by: Anton Mikanovich <> --- meta/classes/bootstrap.bbclass | 225 ++++++++++++++++++ .../isar-bootstrap/ | 219 +---------------- 2 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-) create mode 100644 meta/classes/bootstrap.bbclass